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Today's Performances
32962 Harry Clarke
19:30, London
34693 Circus Vegas
19:45, Winchester
73 Festival of Blossom
09:00, Lynton
35561 The Zutons
19:00, Oxford
Regular Pub Quiz
20:30, Altrincham
11733 Cadbury World
09:00, Birmingham
11828 Matilda the Musical
19:00, London
13735 Stranger Things : The First Shadow
19:00, London
14146 Frank Skinner - 30 Years of Dirt
19:30, Cheltenham
73 Life on Watership Down
11:00, Newbury
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Tomorrow's Performances
42702 An Audience with Karen Dunbar
21:30, Dunblane
73 Hard hat behind-the-scene event t...
13:00, Bath
45968 Sunbirds Feat Dave Hemingway
20:00, Saint Helens
13730 Long Day's Journey Into Night
19:00, London
11806 Wicked
19:30, London
45597 All Night Long - HIP HOP / HOUSE!...
23:00, London
45604 Gloucestershire Vs Middlesex - Day 1
11:00, Bristol
73 House tours
13:45, Worcester
73 Daily guided tours of the garden
10:00, Haywards Heath
45465 KIDPUNK plus special guests One M...
19:00, Liverpool
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You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

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Location: Leicester Square, London
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